MatchDay Matches League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 1 : 3 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 0 : 3 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 3 : 2 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 3 : 0 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 3 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 1 : 1 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 4 : 0 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 0 : 5 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 0 : 5 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 1 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 1 : 7 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 0 : 3 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 0 : 3 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 8 : 0 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 2 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 1 : 0 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 1 : 1 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 5 : 1 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 2 : 2 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 2 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 5 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 0 : 2 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 0 : 0 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 1 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 1 : 1 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 0 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 2 : 1 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 5 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 3 : 4 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 0 : 4 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 1 : 5 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 1 : 0 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 4 : 2 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 3 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 3 : 0 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 1 : 1 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 1 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 3 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 2 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 1 : 3 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 6 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 2 : 1 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 0 : 3 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 2 : 1 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 2 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 1 : 3 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 1 : 4 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 0 : 1 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 4 : 0 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 1 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 0 : 0 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 3 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 4 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 2 : 1 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 2 : 3 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 1 : 2 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 2 : 2 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 2 : 5 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 6 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 2 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 3 : 2 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 4 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 4 : 0 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 6 : 0 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 0 : 1 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 2 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 0 : 1 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 2 : 1 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 5 : 1 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 0 : 1 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 1 : 1 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 3 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 0 : 0 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 1 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 HEA League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 2 : 0 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 0 MIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 0 KIL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 1 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 2 : 1 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 4 : 0 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 3 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 5 : 2 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 6 : 0 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 2 RAN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 3 RAN < > League Cup (Scotland) - 2024 | Round Title | Hampden Park | 15 Дек 2024-3:30 пп Celtic н в в в н 3 : 3 Пенальти 5-4 Rangers в в в в н G. Taylor 56' D. Maeda 60' N. Kühn 87' N. Bajrami 41' M. Diomandé 75' Danilo 88' Celtic 1-й тайм Rangers45' 15' 30' Celtic 2-й тайм Rangers90' 60' 75' 4' Celtic Дополнительное время Rangers120' 105' ADVERTISECommentaryMATCH STATISTICSLINE UPSEVENTSSTANDINGSPrediction Celtic Rangers 24' Жёлтая карточка L. BalogunHolding 41' 0:1 Гол N. Bajrami 44' Жёлтая карточка JeftéRoughing Замена 46'In:L. ScalesOut:A. Trusty Гол1:1 56' G. TaylorАссистент: L. Scales Гол2:1 60' D. Maeda 61' ЗаменаIn:R. YılmazOut:Jefté Жёлтая карточка 67' K. FuruhashiTripping 67' ЗаменаIn:D. SterlingOut:L. Balogun Замена 70'In:A. RalstonOut:Alistair Johnston Замена 71'In:A. EngelsOut:Paulo Bernardo 75' 2:2 Гол M. DiomandéАссистент: H. Igamane Замена 76'In:A. IdahOut:K. Furuhashi 86' ЗаменаIn:DaniloOut:N. Bajrami Гол3:2 87' N. KühnАссистент: A. Engels 88' 3:3 Гол DaniloАссистент: V. Černý 90' +1' Жёлтая карточка N. RaskinHolding Жёлтая карточка 90' +2' C. Carter-VickersTripping 90' +4' Жёлтая карточка J. TavernierHolding Замена 91'In:Álex ValleOut:G. Taylor Жёлтая карточка 93' L. ScalesHolding 95' Жёлтая карточка H. IgamaneTripping 101' ЗаменаIn:C. DessersOut:H. Igamane 102' Жёлтая карточка C. DessersRoughing 106' ЗаменаIn:C. BarronOut:M. Diomandé 106' ЗаменаIn:K. DowellOut:V. Černý Замена 106'In:J. ForrestOut:N. Kühn 107' Жёлтая карточка D. SterlingHandling 111' Жёлтая карточка I. HagiRoughing Серия пенальти 120' +1' A. Idah 120' +1' Серия пенальти J. Tavernier Серия пенальти 120' +2' C. McGregor 120' +2' Серия пенальти I. Hagi Серия пенальти 120' +3' A. Engels 120' +3' Серия пенальти Danilo Серия пенальти 120' +4' R. Hatate 120' +4' Серия пенальти R. Yılmaz Серия пенальти 120' +5' D. Maeda 120' +5' Серия пенальти J. Butland MATCH STATISTICS Celtic Rangers 3 Yellow Cards 8 3 Goals 3 1K. Schmeichel 3G. Taylor 6A. Trusty 20C. Carter-Vickers 2Alistair Johnston 41R. Hatate 42C. McGregor 28Paulo Bernardo 38D. Maeda 8K. Furuhashi 10N. Kühn 1J. Butland 22Jefté 4R. Pröpper 27L. Balogun 2J. Tavernier 43N. Raskin 10M. Diomandé 30I. Hagi 14N. Bajrami 18V. Černý 29H. Igamane LINE UPS Celtic 1 в K. Schmeichel 2 з Alistair Johnston 70' 20 з C. Carter-Vickers 90' 6 з A. Trusty 46' 3 з G. Taylor 56'91' 28 п Paulo Bernardo 71' 42 п C. McGregor 41 п R. Hatate 10 н N. Kühn 87'106' 8 н K. Furuhashi 67'76' 38 н D. Maeda 60'Запасные 5 з L. Scales 46'93' 56 з A. Ralston 70' 27 п A. Engels 71' 9 н A. Idah 76' 11 з Álex Valle 91' 49 п J. Forrest 106' 12 в V. Sinisalo 7 н L. Palma 13 н H. YangТренер B. Rodgers Rangers 1 в J. Butland 2 з J. Tavernier 90' 27 з L. Balogun 24'67' 4 з R. Pröpper 22 з Jefté 44'61' 10 п M. Diomandé 75'106' 43 п N. Raskin 90' 18 п V. Černý 106' 14 п N. Bajrami 41'86' 30 п I. Hagi 111' 29 H. Igamane 95'101'Запасные 3 з R. Yılmaz 61' 21 з D. Sterling 67'107' 99 н Danilo 86'88' 9 н C. Dessers 101'102' 8 п C. Barron 106' 20 п K. Dowell 106' 31 в L. Kelly 38 з L. King 45 н R. McCauslandТренер P. ClementSUBSTITUTES Ушёл A. Trusty Вышел L. Scales 46'61' Ушёл Jefté Вышел R. Yılmaz 67' Ушёл L. Balogun Вышел D. Sterling Ушёл Alistair Johnston Вышел A. Ralston 70' Ушёл Paulo Bernardo Вышел A. Engels 71' Ушёл K. Furuhashi Вышел A. Idah 76'86' Ушёл N. Bajrami Вышел Danilo Ушёл G. Taylor Вышел Álex Valle 91'101' Ушёл H. Igamane Вышел C. Dessers 106' Ушёл M. Diomandé Вышел C. Barron 106' Ушёл V. Černý Вышел K. Dowell Ушёл N. Kühn Вышел J. Forrest 106'Goals41' Гол N. Bajrami Гол G. Taylor (Ассистент: L. Scales) 56' Гол D. Maeda 60'75' Гол M. Diomandé (Ассистент: H. Igamane) Гол N. Kühn (Ассистент: A. Engels) 87'88' Гол Danilo (Ассистент: V. Černý) Match WinnerHome/AwaySecond Half WinnerAsian HandicapGoals Over/UnderGoals Over/Under First HalfGoals Over/Under - Second HalfHT/FT DoubleBoth Teams ScoreWin to Nil - HomeWin to Nil - AwayExact ScoreHighest Scoring HalfCorrect Score - First HalfDouble ChanceFirst Half WinnerTeam To Score LastTotal - HomeTotal - AwayBoth Teams Score - First HalfBoth Teams To Score - Second HalfOdd/EvenOdd/Even - First HalfHome Odd/EvenAway Odd/EvenHome win both halvesAway win both halvesExact Goals NumberHome Team Exact Goals NumberAway Team Exact Goals NumberHome Team Score a GoalAway Team Score a GoalCorners 1x2Corners Over UnderExact Goals Number - First HalfHome Team Total Goals(1st Half)Away Team Total Goals(1st Half)Home Team Total Goals(2nd Half)Away Team Total Goals(2nd Half)Home team will score in both halvesAway team will score in both halvesTo Score in Both HalvesWinning MarginCorners Asian HandicapHome Corners Over/UnderAway Corners Over/UnderOwn GoalBoth Teams To Score in Both HalvesTotal Corners (1st Half)Clean Sheet - HomeClean Sheet - AwayHandicap ResultCorrect Score - Second HalfTeam To Score FirstWin Both HalvesHandicap Result - First HalfAsian Handicap First HalfDouble Chance - First HalfWin To NilTo Win Either HalfResults/Both Teams ScoreResult/Total GoalsFirst 10 min WinnerOdd/Even - Second HalfDraw No Bet (1st Half)European Handicap (2nd Half)Draw No Bet (2nd Half)Total Goals/Both Teams To ScoreTotal Corners (3 way)1x2 - 60 minutes1x2 - 30 minutesFirst Team to Score (3 way) 1st HalfRTG_H1Double Chance - Second HalfSecond Half Exact Goals NumberTo QualifyTo Score In Both Halves By TeamsGoal LineGoal Line (1st Half)Anytime Goal ScorerFirst Goal ScorerLast Goal ScorerCards European HandicapCards Over/UnderCards Asian HandicapHome Team Total CardsAway Team Total CardsAsian Handicap (2nd Half)Scoring Draw1x2 - 15 minutes1x2 - 75 minutes Updated: 2024-12-15 16:01:20HomeDrawAway 2.00 3.50 3.20 2.01 3.68 3.50 2.05 3.63 3.62 2.00 3.58 3.60 2.05 3.55 3.55 1.67 4.00 4.20 Celtic Rangers PredictionCombo Winner : Celtic and Over 1.5 goalsWho Will Win 45% 45% 10% Team comparison 50% Current Form 50% 67% Attacking 33% 25% Defensive 75% 64% Poisson Distribution 36% 93% Head-to-Head 7% 69% Goals 31% 61.3% Total 38.7%