MatchDay Matches League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 1 : 3 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 0 : 3 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 3 : 2 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 3 : 0 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 3 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 1 : 1 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 4 : 0 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 0 : 5 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 0 : 5 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 1 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 1 : 7 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 0 : 3 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 0 : 3 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 8 : 0 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 2 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 1 : 0 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 1 : 1 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 5 : 1 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 2 : 2 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 2 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 5 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 0 : 2 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 0 : 0 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 1 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 1 : 1 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 0 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 2 : 1 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 5 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 3 : 4 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 0 : 4 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 1 : 5 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 1 : 0 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 4 : 2 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 3 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 3 : 0 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 1 : 1 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 1 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 3 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 2 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 1 : 3 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 6 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 2 : 1 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 0 : 3 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 2 : 1 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 2 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 1 : 3 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 1 : 4 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 0 : 1 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 4 : 0 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 1 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 0 : 0 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 3 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 4 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 2 : 1 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 2 : 3 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 1 : 2 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 2 : 2 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 2 : 5 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 6 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 2 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 3 : 2 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 4 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 4 : 0 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 6 : 0 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 0 : 1 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 2 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 0 : 1 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 2 : 1 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 5 : 1 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 0 : 1 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 1 : 1 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 3 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 0 : 0 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 1 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 HEA League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 2 : 0 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 0 MIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 0 KIL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 1 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 2 : 1 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 4 : 0 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 3 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 5 : 2 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 6 : 0 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 2 RAN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 3 RAN < > League Cup (Scotland) - 2024 | Round Title | 16 Juli 2024-6:45 pm Queen of the South N 2 : 0 Endergebnis Dumbarton U L. McIntosh 7' K. McKechnie 58' Queen of the South 1. Halbzeit Dumbarton45' 15' 30' Queen of the South 2. Halbzeit Dumbarton90' 60' 75' ADVERTISECommentaryMATCH STATISTICSLINE UPSEVENTSSTANDINGSPrediction Queen of the South Dumbarton Tor1:0 7' L. McIntoshAssist: K. McKechnie Gelbe Karte 14' B. Luissint 39' Gelbe Karte M. Durnan 42' Gelbe Karte C. Clark Auswechslung 46'Eingewechselt:O. MacIntyreAusgewechselt:Z. Craic 52' Gelbe Karte T. Wallace Tor2:0 58' K. McKechnieAssist: H. Cochrane 60' AuswechslungEingewechselt:G. YoungAusgewechselt:C. McGuffie 60' AuswechslungEingewechselt:M. ShielsAusgewechselt:C. Clark 60' AuswechslungEingewechselt:K. OrsiAusgewechselt:T. Wallace 67' AuswechslungEingewechselt:D. WilsonAusgewechselt:R. Blair 67' AuswechslungEingewechselt:M. NiangAusgewechselt:C. Pignatiello Gelbe Karte 74' K. McKechnie Auswechslung 75'Eingewechselt:K. KennedyAusgewechselt:L. McIntosh Auswechslung 79'Eingewechselt:J. WalkerAusgewechselt:K. Doherty Gelbe Karte 84' B. Dickenson Auswechslung 85'Eingewechselt:B. JohnstoneAusgewechselt:R. Lyon Auswechslung 85'Eingewechselt:E. RossAusgewechselt:B. DickensonMATCH STATISTICS Queen of the South Dumbarton 3 Yellow Cards 3 2 Goals 0LINE UPS Queen of the South 31 T J. Hogarth 5 D M. Douglas 2 D M. Hewitt 11 M B. Dickenson 84'85' 6 M H. Cochrane 7 M K. McKechnie 58'74' 4 M R. Lyon 85' 8 M B. Luissint 14' 9 O L. McIntosh 7'75' 25 O K. Doherty 79' 28 O Z. Craic 46'Ersatzspieler 22 D O. MacIntyre 46' 10 O K. Kennedy 75' 23 O J. Walker 79' 14 M B. Johnstone 85' 21 M E. Ross 85' 15 M N. Rogerson 24 H. McLinden 1 T R. StewartCoach P. Murphy Dumbarton 19 T P. O'Neil 5 D M. Durnan 39' 2 D A. Lynas 24 D C. Clark 42'60' 11 M T. Wallace 52'60' 31 M M. Miller 6 M R. Blair 67' 21 M C. McGuffie 60' 12 M C. Pignatiello 67' 17 M J. Hilton 10 M F. GrayErsatzspieler 3 D G. Young 60' 22 D M. Shiels 60' 7 O K. Orsi 60' 8 M D. Wilson 67' 20 M M. Niang 67' 1 T B. LongCoach S. FarrellSUBSTITUTES Ausgewechselt Z. Craic Eingewechselt O. MacIntyre 46'60' Ausgewechselt C. McGuffie Eingewechselt G. Young 60' Ausgewechselt C. Clark Eingewechselt M. Shiels 60' Ausgewechselt T. Wallace Eingewechselt K. Orsi 67' Ausgewechselt R. Blair Eingewechselt D. Wilson 67' Ausgewechselt C. Pignatiello Eingewechselt M. Niang Ausgewechselt L. McIntosh Eingewechselt K. Kennedy 75' Ausgewechselt K. Doherty Eingewechselt J. Walker 79' Ausgewechselt R. Lyon Eingewechselt B. Johnstone 85' Ausgewechselt B. Dickenson Eingewechselt E. Ross 85'Goals Tor L. McIntosh (Assist: K. McKechnie) 7' Tor K. McKechnie (Assist: H. Cochrane) 58' Queen of the South Dumbarton VorschauDouble chance : draw or DumbartonWer wird gewinnen 10% 45% 45% Teamvergleich 0% Aktuelle Form 100% 0% Offensive 100% 25% Defensive 75% 85% Direkter Vergleich 15% 73% Tore 27% 61.0% Gesamt 39.0%