MatchDay Matches League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 1 : 3 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 0 : 3 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 3 : 2 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 3 : 0 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 3 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 1 : 1 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 4 : 0 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 0 : 5 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 0 : 5 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 1 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 1 : 7 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 0 : 3 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 0 : 3 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 8 : 0 East Kilbride League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 2 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 1 : 0 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ELG 1 : 1 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 5 : 1 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ANN 2 : 2 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 2 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 5 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 0 : 2 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 0 : 0 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 1 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 1 : 1 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 0 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 2 : 1 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 5 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUM 3 : 4 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 0 : 4 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 1 : 5 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 1 : 0 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PET 4 : 2 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ARB 0 : 3 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 3 : 0 Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FOR 1 : 1 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 1 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title BRE 1 : 3 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 2 : 0 MOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 1 : 3 MOT League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Edinburgh City 0 : 6 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 2 : 1 RAI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STR 0 : 3 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 2 : 1 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 2 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title East Kilbride 1 : 3 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STE 1 : 4 AYR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Kelty Hearts 0 : 1 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 4 : 0 ELG League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 3 : 1 ANN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title INV 0 : 0 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Cove Rangers 0 : 2 LIV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 FOR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ALL 3 : 2 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title EAS 4 : 0 BRE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MON 2 : 1 Edinburgh City League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title PAR 2 : 3 CLY League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HAM 1 : 2 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title STI 2 : 2 STR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Buckie Thistle 2 : 5 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 6 : 0 DUM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AIR 2 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title AYR 3 : 2 Buckie Thistle League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 4 : 0 STE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title HIB 4 : 0 PET League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title QUE 6 : 0 Kelty Hearts League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic 0 : 1 ARB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 0 INV League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 2 Cove Rangers League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title LIV 0 : 1 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOR 2 : 1 ALL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title JOH 5 : 1 EAS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CLY 0 : 1 MON League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAI 1 : 1 HAM League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ROS 3 : 0 STI League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 0 : 0 PAR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 1 : 0 QUE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title FAL 2 : 0 HEA League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title Spartans 1 : 0 ROS League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 6 : 1 AIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 2 : 0 JOH League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title DUN 1 : 0 MIR League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 0 KIL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 1 HIB League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 2 : 1 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title ABE 4 : 0 Spartans League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title RAN 3 : 0 DUN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 5 : 2 FAL League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 6 : 0 ABE League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title MOT 1 : 2 RAN League Cup (Scotland) - 2024Round Title CEL 3 : 3 RAN < > League Cup (Scotland) - 2024 | Round Title | The Carnegie Fuels Stadium at Glebe Park | 23 Juli 2024-6:45 pm Dundee N U U S S 3 : 1 Endergebnis Annan Athletic S U S S. Murray 34' S. Murray 85' Dundee 1. Halbzeit Annan Athletic45' 15' 30' Dundee 2. Halbzeit Annan Athletic90' 60' 75' ADVERTISECommentaryMATCH STATISTICSLINE UPSEVENTSSTANDINGSPrediction Dundee Annan Athletic Tor1:0 34' S. MurrayAssist: L. McCowan 40' 1:1 Tor 46' AuswechslungEingewechselt:J. DixonAusgewechselt:A. Smith Tor2:1 85' S. Murray Tor3:1 90' +1'MATCH STATISTICS Dundee Annan Athletic 3 Goals 1SUBSTITUTES46' Ausgewechselt A. Smith Eingewechselt J. Dixon Goals Tor S. Murray (Assist: L. McCowan) 34' Tor S. Murray 85' Dundee Annan Athletic VorschauCombo Winner : Dundee and Over 1.5 goalsWer wird gewinnen 45% 45% 10% Teamvergleich 46% Aktuelle Form 54% 60% Offensive 40% 67% Defensive 33% 57.7% Gesamt 42.3%